Meet Joanna
I am a caring and supportive healthcare professional with a combined total of over 30 years experience in respiratory therapy and healthcare leadership. Working in various health care environments inclusive of acute care hospitals and long term nursing homes has given me up front and personal exposure to where the unknown gaps are to having a peaceful and graceful transition. My experiences in hospitals and nursing homes motivated me to become a trained End of Life Doula through INELDA (International End of Life Doula Association).
My goal is to educate and support clients and their loved ones with end of life information and support. For some, that may be an immediate need, for others it may be a plan for the future. Trying to make decisions in moments of crisis and chaos can lead to additional stress and anxiety. I want families and loved ones to focus on being present and supportive with their loved ones in their last moments,
We all want a graceful transition, and for our loved ones to feel supported and cared for.